
Kabir & Sue Sehgal

Monthly children's book recommendations, teacher guides, recipes, bonus material from Kabir & Sue Sehgal, New York Times bestselling authors of 10 picture books. Join 2k subscribers.

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Monthly Bucket: Only 50 words... ✍🏽

Read time: 348 words, 1 minute.How hard is it to write a book using a vocabulary of only 50 words? Easier than finding some Green Eggs and Ham in the kitchen. This beloved Dr. Seuss children's book was born from a bet. His publisher challenged him to write a book using only 50 different words. The result? A masterpiece of minimalism. -Kabir & Sue Monthly Bucket - July📚 Books The ABC BunnyBy Wanda GágAn unfortunate accident with an Apple drives Bunny from Bunnyland to Elsewhere. Every letter...

Read time: 350 words, 1 minute.It's almost time for ...Summer siestas No, it's a not thing around here ... but it should be.While everyone else is wilting outside, you could be getting some much-needed Z's.To help you, Sue just dropped her 2nd sleep story album: City of Light - She will guide you through the sights, sounds, and sensations of Varanasi, a spiritual city in India. Of course, she wants you to imagine this tour. We're not encouraging you to sleep walk... But hey, that's one way to...

Read time: 359 words, 1 minute.Find a shady spot under a blossoming tree ...And read yourself a children's book.You may need: Goggles to protect from pollen attacks Handkerchief to dramatically blow your nose Narrow trilby if you're listening to Leonard Cohen Monthly Bucket - May📚 Books We All PlayBy Julie FlettA joyful romp through nature with an abundance of wild animals: birds who chase and chirp, whales who swim and squirt, and bobcats who nudge and nuzzle. Throughout this sweetly simple,...

Read time: 387 words, 1 minute.Ten years (& three hairstyles) ago, we released our first children's book: A Bucket of Blessings - published April 29, 2014To commemorate the occasion: Giveaways - We'll mail a signed copy to the first 10 people who reply to this email. Takeaways - 10 things we've learned from our 10-year-career as picture book authors. -Kabir and Sue Monthly Bucket - April📚 Books A Bucket of BlessingsBy Kabir Sehgal, Surishtha Sehgal (Illustrated by Jing Jing Tsong) Afterword...

Read time: 327 words, 1 minute.If colors had a party, Holi would be it.When walking around like a masterpiece is totally normal.Color outside the lines...And embrace the beautiful chaos!-Kabir & Sue Monthly Bucket - March📚 Books Festival of ColorsBy Kabir Sehgal, Surishtha Sehgal (Illustrated by Vashti Harrison)Spring is here, and it’s almost time for Holi, the Indian Festival of Colors. Siblings Mintoo & Chintoo gather flowers to make into colorful powders to toss during the festival. When...

Read time: 338 words, 1 minute. If you've ever needed an excuse to curl up with a children's book... Today is the day.There's no age limit on giggling at silly characters...And enjoying a good "once upon a time." -Kabir & Sue Monthly Bucket - February📚 Books My Papi Has a MotorcycleBy Isabel Quintero (Illustrated by Zeke Peña)Papi works hard but always makes time for his little girl. Their town is in transition, as the citrus groves make way for new development. But it's still full of the...

Read time: 342 words, 1 minute. Happy New Year!If you're trying to meditate more, we've got you covered. Check out Sue's Himalayan Nights, a meditation album that will put you to sleep.She recalls vivid imagery from her childhood growing up in a Himalayan hill station. It's a cozy trip down memory lane...AND a bedtime story for adults & children alike. Sweet dreams, folks! -Kabir & Sue Monthly Bucket - January📚 Books Freedom SoupBy Tami Charles (Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara)Every year,...

Read time: 320 words, 1 minute. The holidays are here. We have a gift for you.We'd be happy to read (for free) at your school or local library. We love reading in person or virtually.Hit reply & let us know! ***Now when you share The Monthly Bucket with friends, you get cool stuff.Scroll to the bottom to see swag & opportunities. ⬇️ -Kabir & Sue Monthly Bucket - December📚 3 Books What Do You Celebrate? Holidays & Festivals Around the WorldBy Whitney Stewart (Illustrated by Christiane...

Read time: 273 words, 1 minute. We're back, as promised. And we're excited...Our favorite holiday is almost here: Diwali is November 12. That means lights, love, and lots of treats. (We've got a yum recipe for you below.)What's your favorite holiday? Reply back and let us know. -Kabir & Sue 🪣Monthly Bucket - November📚 3 Books It's DiwaliBy Kabir & Surishtha Sehgal (Illustrated by Archana Sreenivasan)Count up to ten and back down again to the tune of “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” while learning...

Hello,It's Kabir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal, "Dr. Sue."We're mother-and-son New York Times bestselling authors (& EMMY® nominees) of 8 picture books about Indian culture.But enough about that...You are important to us. Here's why:We've probably met at a book reading, school event, social gathering. You're receiving this note because our orbits have intersected....We're interested in similar things: education, diversity, children's literature or #kidlit.But until now - mom and I haven't been...